You Don’t Have to Apologize for Your Selfie


You don’t need to apologize for your selfie.

For posting one when you don’t usually.

For wanting to be seen.


You don’t have to apologize for being yourself.

For your wrinkles, your chin, your belly, your smile.

For your inherently worthy body, right here right now.


You don’t have to apologize for being unfiltered

Or highly filtered. Or even touched up.

It’s your story to tell the way you need to.


You don’t owe us an apology. And what would it feel like not to apologize?

When I have the urge to apologize for posting something I don’t usually or a photo I’m not sure folks will groove with I feel myself shrink down, worried what other people might think. In fact often apologizing does the opposite of what we might want it too…pointing out that thing we think we need to apologize for actually points out what you might not want the viewer to notice.

Sharing without apology feels like a way to ground myself in my own power, in my own right to be here and tell my story.

And if you can’t resist the urge to apologize (or if you don’t have that same experience of the apology feeling like it invites you to sit in your smallness rather than bigness, that’s totally groovy too of course).

Or if this feels really big to share a selfie unapologetically and you’re not sure how to begin,  Beloved Beginnings is a self-paced class that is always available. Or the Be Your Own Beloved class that is now open for registration. Both were created not for people who already love taking selfies, but for those who it feels really vulnerable or out of your comfort zone.

Tell your story.

Take your selfie.

