Outtake Remake


We all have photos that for some reason or another, don’t make the cut, right?

So we delete them or just ignore them.

But what if they are actually part of the key to making peace with our body through the camera.

Enter: Outtake ReMake

A FREE 5 Day class to help you take those photos that you might see with critique or feel vulnerable about them, and rather than send them to the ‘delete’ folder, we’re going to reclaim them and use creativity to shift them from an image we can’t yet see with compassion and let creativity help us make it into something we feel good about!

In the 10 years of exploring self-compassion and body acceptance through the lens on my own path and the last 6 years of teaching Be Your Own Beloved E-Course, I’ve found that it’s our outtakes, not our ‘best’ photos that are an unexpected and incredibly powerful healing tool.

And yes indeed, it’s not the photos that we get ‘perfect’ that our our biggest teachers and healers. So right off the bat, know that you don’t have to get this course right. You don’t have to ‘perfect’ this. Its a relief right?

One of the most powerful ways we can work with our outtakes is by getting creative with photo processing apps and websites. We take the with the ones that don’t make the cut, especially the ones that don’t make the cut because they just feel vulnerable to us, and add some creative magic to them! I’m going to spill the beans on my 5 favourite ways to do that (hint…they are the kinds of tools I made all these images on this page with). They are simple yet powerful tools that can completely transform a photo.

So in this 5 Day Mini-Class called Outtake ReMake we’re taking those outtakes, those images that didn’t get shared, maybe even the ones you don’t like, and creatively transform them into something you’re eager to share.

This process is not only fun, but healing too. Often when we have a photo that we might feel vulnerable about and not quite ready to share, getting creative with it allows us to reclaim our power around it.

Join me and explore reclaiming our power back through creativity!

In this FREE 5 Day Mini E-Course we are:

  • Using creativity as a step on the way to seeing ourselves with compassion
  • Taking our outtakes, photos we aren’t ready to share for one reason or another and getting creative with them.
  • Using the tools I mention often to participants in the Be Your Own Beloved E-Course and recommend to they use as they are adjusting to sharing their photos and being seen!
  • Exploring the 5 creative ways to get creative I recommend to use with our photos in ways that allow us to grow our compassion alongside our creativity!

You’ll learn:

  • The 5 best ways to creatively process your photos and reclaim your power through creativity!
  • How I process and get creative with my own images
  • The apps and websites where we can make that happen. I’ll be recommending an app and website to use for each activity but I’ll also share an app resource list for each creative option for others you can try!
  • The specific tools within these apps and websites that will really spark your creative energy
  • How to invite your right brain to lead the way (rather than your inner critic or inner perfectionist).

I do love the format that this and your other classes come in. An email everyday to spark my creativity, get me off my arse and possibly out of a mind funk and out taking photos. I wish you could be in my inbox everyday!

-Leesa Melrose

outtakemosiac800You will recieve:

  • 5 Days of Activities in your email inbox
  • An invitation to share with us using the #outtakeremake and #beyourownbeloved hashtags
  • An E-Book of the 5 Class activities after the mini-class is done that you can use to keep exploring and referring to the tools!



Class starts anytime that it’s good for you. Just enter your info below to get started!



Join the FREE Outtake ReMake 5 Day Mini Class!


When you join in for Outtake ReMake you’ll also hear from Be Your Own Beloved about future classes offerings (but you’re welcome to unsubscribe if that’s not a fit for you)!


What if I don’t have any outtakes and haven’t taken selfies before?

Here’s the thing that rocks about experimenting these tools, your selfies don’t have to be fancy to use as these tools. You might actually find you’ll take some to explore with that tool we’re working with that day. If you’re planning to join in for the Be Your Own Beloved E-Course after this free mini-class, you could even explore the tools with whichever kinds of images (whether they are selfies or not) and get comfortable with them as you prepare to take Be Your Own Beloved!

I DO recommend taking at least one selfie to try this with ESPECIALLY if that is out of your comfort zone as that is exactly what we’re doing here. Getting creative with a photo of someone else can feel inspiring but isn’t as vulnerable as using a selfie…and that’s what we want to be doing here. Taking a photo that feels vulnerable and encircling it with our own creative magic, as though we’re going to decorate and protect it until we’re ready to claim space and share our selfies without our creative protection on it (and the powerful thing is that this kind of journey is yours, to do at your own pace, so you could use these tools for years on your selfies. You don’t even ever have to share ‘straight out of the camera’ photos unless you want to)!

Is this the same thing as retouching our photos?

Not at all. There are a million retouching apps out there and we aren’t using any of them here. This isn’t about changing our bodies to be ‘enough’ or meet some societal body standard by erasing our wrinkles or making our body different. I don’t actually like to criticize people who do this as I think for some folks it’s part of the path to being in images and at first they might retouch their photos as a step towards sharing them unretouched. But I most definitely don’t encourage it.

What we’re doing in this class is using creativity as a way to get more comfortable seeing ourselves in photos and taking selfies that we might have put in the ‘outtake’ category or as a photo was aren’t comfortable with or don’t like at this point, and let creativity move it into being a photo that we DO like, that we DO feel empowered by!