I find getting through the grey winter months challenging both photographically and personally, so I thought I’d share some ways that help me get through the grey.
My 10 favourite things to do on a Rainy Day
1. Puddle Jump
2. Photograph water droplets
3. Go to a movie matinee
4. Visit the Art Gallery
5. Go to my favourite cafe Bump and Grind where they are unusualy optimistic about the rain. One of my favourite barista’s LOVES the rain and her appreciation of it is contageous! They also play amazing music there.
6. Going to the beach. The beach is always surprisingly beautiful in the rain as well as oh so peaceful!
7. Pull out the paints and do some non-photographic art making.
8. Wear brightly coloured rubber boots (thats what we call them here in Canada) that make me smile.
9. Try to think about how much the plants in my yard need the rain.
10. Get on my bike anyways and be happy for fenders that keep the water from splashing up at me!