Muse Interview ~ Bella Cirovic

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I’m so excited to share another Muse Interview with you!  If you are new to checking out the Muse Interviews, they are chats with participants of either Wading In or You are Your Own Muse and an open invitation to reflect on their experiences exploring self-portraiture.  You can check out all of the interviews over here.

I’m especially excited to share this chat with the fabulous Bella Cirovic with you!  I met Bella years ago at an art retreat and have been so excited to see her create the 52 Photos Project and see her blossom as a photographer.  Not only does she take stunning self-portraits but her portraiture is oh so gorgeous too.  I love this session she did with Jen Lee and you can check out more of her work and stories at her website: She told Stories.

Now let’s chat with Bella!


When did you begin to take self-portraits?

After I began blogging in 2005, I occasionally participated in the popular Self Portrait Challenge as well as taking a few snapshots of myself with my camera at arm’s length. I wasn’t serious about self portraiture in the least until I signed up for You Are Your Own Muse in early 2011. I went out and bought myself a good tripod and camera remote to help me navigate and document this new form of self discovery.

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What did you discover about yourself through self-portraits?

I found that prior to taking self portraits, I was really afraid of looking at myself. I mean, I had a mental picture of what I looked like in my mind, and that was enough for me. I was scared of seeing myself eye to eye through a photo, where all of my insecurities would be on display.

I learned that I was more capable of compassion than criticism. What I was seeing through the viewfinder or on a print was me, fully and wholly. I learned how to love on myself more, how to embrace my body which held and birthed a healthy baby, and how to appreciate the years of living that is beginning to show on my face. I discovered that I am no longer afraid of looking at myself because now I love who I see.

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Where do you go to take self-portraits? Do you have a favorite spot?

I’m lucky to live on a quiet street in the woods near a lake. I love to walk down and around the bend to a place I have deemed my quiet spot. There is a big open meadow and a long line of tall trees as a backdrop. It’s my absolute favorite place to set up my tripod and get my self-portraiture on.

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What is your favorite way to take self-portraits these days?

Well now that it’s winter and too cold to be adventurous outside, I’ve been setting up my tripod and camera in the kitchen, living room, and bedroom of my house. I’m documenting the moments and moods of my day as well as dressing up and having fun in front of the camera.

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Do you have any tips for those folks just starting to turn the camera on themselves?

Allow yourself the space and freedom to be silly, to be sad, to laugh, to show your sexy, pouty lips, to dance, to stand still, to look to the side, and to smile big. Don’t be shy, just be you and if that’s difficult then try on a persona, like your favorite actress or singer. Take 100 pictures instead of just 1 or 2. And when you look back through your stack of photos, may you see yourself with a soft and gentle heart.


What was your favorite self-portrait you have taken? What makes it your favorite?

This particular morning, I was in an extra loving mood. I love how I was feeling and how I’m embraced by the morning light.


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Bella Cirovic is a photographer who lives in the suburbs just outside of NYC. You can view her photography and writing at her website: She Told Stories or visit 52 Photos Project where she is the hostess with the mostest. Her motto for 2012 is: Bring It On!