Where Yoga & Self-Portraiture Meet


I’m so excited that Anna & I are bringing back Practice: Embodying Your Curvy & Beloved Body for one more session.  I love teaching this class with Anna & admire her work with Curvy Yoga so much!

When we created Practice, it was really powerful to see it come together and I was amazed at how many overlaps there are between Yoga & Self-Portraiture…you might not think so, but as you’ll see in the class, indeed there are.

I took Yoga in my 20’s but it was only a few years ago that I really started to see the way it could help me listen in to my body and what it needed.  It began when I actually got a running injury, a stress fracture, and was dealing with a lot of pain.  It so happened that my awesome Mom was doing her yoga teacher training at the time and we started to do weekly Skype Yoga sessions.

It was since that injury and recovery that I really started digging into listening more to my body, since that was exactly why my bone ended up cracking, because I was pushing too hard and not listening to my body even though it was saying STOP.

Yoga felt like an invitation to slow down and listen.

And doing it in the comfort of my own home, with my Mom as my teacher, allowed me to listen in deeper and to not compare myself to others.  It felt like a way to quiet the outside noise of “more” “push yourself” and just slow down and listen.

Which if you’ve explored self-portraiture with me, you’ll know that is a part of the work of Be Your Own Beloved too. While it seems like it might be a place to compare ourselves to others, it doesn’t have to be.  It can be an invitation to slow down, to make space for yourself, to listen in and find your own voice about how it feels to be in your skin, to move your way.  I know…you’d think that last sentence was about Yoga but this is where they overlap.

Which is exactly what we are digging into in Practice!

I’m oh so excited that we’re bringing this class back (and this will definitely be the only time we are offering it in 2014) so if you are interested in exploring more of the places where Yoga & Self-Portriature overlap and deepen your relationship to your Curvy & Beloved Body, come join us!

Class starts Monday May 19th and registration closes the night before.

Oh and have I mentioned Anna & I wanted to keep it at a super accessible price of $49 (which is truly a steal of a deal…as you’ve got two teachers ready to support you in the process)!

I hope to hang out with you in Practice!