Lately, things have been shifting, especially with my work with Be Your Own Beloved!
Don’t worry…the class isn’t disappearing…quite the opposite. I’m getting more and more rooted in the clarity that this is the class that feels like soul work to me and that I get the complete honour of witnessing people coming out of their shells & seeing themselves with compassion.
But it has become much more than just one E-Course.
Lately it seems as though it is time to embrace a slower pace of this path, after years of launching one E-Course after another, always feeling like I need to come up with a new course, or new idea.
I’m craving to slow down and root deeper into this work and that is just what is happening. To let go of immediacy for the sake of longevity, to let go of scarcity for the sake of legacy. To not feel like this is all going to disappear at any moment and to trust the feeling of clarity of purpose I (finally) found in 2013. When we’ve spent so much of our lives searching far and wide to find that thing that lights us up…it can be a bit strange to stop searching and instead step deeper into it. Do you know what I mean?
I’ve been working hard on the book (nope, no publisher yet…but I’m just enjoying working on it these days) and so many times lately I’ve had BIG self-love realizations….and normally I’d open up a blog post as soon as I get home and share it with you here on the blog.
But I find myself having to put the breaks on that these days instead head on over to the manuscript and spill the realizations in there.
As a long time blogger, I’m so used to the immediacy of storytelling that we can do through this medium and it feels SO weird to be making myself write it in the manuscript instead…where, realistically, you might not get to read it for a couple years!
Its not just the book though.
I’m spilling new ideas into the big binder I’m creating packed with prompts for my Mentoring Clients.
I’m handwriting prompts into my journal as I plan out the In-Person Workshops for this year (which will soon be listed)!
I’m pouring new Be Your Own Beloved activities & concepts into a program I have yet to share with you but will be coming this spring and I promise you’ll love it! It is specifically designed for alumni of the original class to dig deeper into their path exploring self-love through self-portraiture (more on this soon)!
I’m also working on something that won’t be launched until at least 2015 but is a way for amazing folks who are working in the healing fields (art therapists, coaches, nutritionists with a HAES approach, and more) to provide their clients with the Be Your Own Beloved approach.
So you see, there is so much going on that feels much slower, much more long term.
And it really feels like a shift.
Perhaps there is even an energy to blogging and even being a creative entrepreneur…that we sometimes feel like if we get quiet, or take some time away, or not offer anything for a while, that people will move on or forget about us.
I’m hoping to let go of that feeling and instead settle into the energy of feeling grounded in this work, in this message, in this path.
I know when I first started teaching online 3 years ago, I’d often think that this culture of online classes might not be around forever (and it definitely has evolved and changed even in that time) and I thought I’d give this online teaching thing a try and enjoy it while it lasts.
I think what I’m realizing is that its okay to let go of the feeling that this work is fleeting.
That its okay to have a totally online job and at the same time, let yourself feel rooted in the work.
That its okay to let your work evolve and grow and maybe shift away from the rapid pace that you started it with.
That its okay to let go of immediacy in order to connect with the legacy of our work.
It has been a truly interesting process of just having to slow down the immediacy of this path, saving a lot of the things that are really exciting me right now for you to experience more one-on-one (be that in a mentoring session or sometime down the road when I finally make this book happen and you pick it up and get to explore the activities in it)!
While I don’t plan to stop blogging or take time off from it, nor will I be stopping teaching E-Courses…but I’m ready to learn a new way of being a creative entrepreneur, outside of the scarcity mentality.
Have you gone through this with your creative life? Where perhaps it feels like you are drawn to let go of the pressure of the immediacy and instead step into the long-term energy of your creative work? If you have some thoughts on this I’d LOVE to hear!