Our Changing Body Stories (and my long legs)!


The other day at my boxing class my coach River was correcting my boxing stance.

“I was looking at your stance and thinking it was okay but then I noticed that your legs are long and I think you need to widen your stance” she said.

I think I must have given her the most quizzical look as I said:

“Me? Long legs? I have never ever ever thought or been told my legs are long”.

Of course I widened my stance (cause you gotta listen to the coach) but for the rest of the class there were body stories swirling around in my head.

My legs?  Could they possibly not be the tiny short little legs I always perceive them as.

You see, both my siblings are much taller than me. My body story has been that I am the short, squat, rolly polly one,  definitely with short thick legs.  I’ve been working through many of those body stories, especially the part of loving being curvy and seeing my body with kindness but I hadn’t realized until that moment that there were so many other layers, other stories that I still had in place (of course there always are and they appear when we are ready for them).

I might have changed my body story in some ways as I can see my legs as strong and muscular now but never long, never tall.

Now, not every story we have about our body will be one that our inner critic likes to speak to us, but this was one of those for me.  Maybe not as intensely as other body stories, but it was a negative way I had looked at my body for a long time.

Not just that, but it was a story that kept me small energetically (as I thought I was less than my siblings because I’m the shorty in the family, seeing their height as the norm and mine as negative).

I’ve been thinking about this all week, these long legs that I didn’t know I had and that haven’t grown at all, except in my own perception of them.

Of how changeable so many of our body stories are and how easily we can write one into proof.

Of how I had been making myself small in that boxing stance and was invited to take up more space (and how much that resonates in life as a whole).

Of how sometimes all it takes is one person seeing you differently to crack open one of these stories.

Or seeing yourself differently through the camera…of course, self-portraiture being my favourite tool for changing body stories.

Do you have some stories like these, that might be able to be re-written if we really listen to the compliments (or boxing feedback in my case) that people might be giving us and let them unlock the tales we have previously written in as proof of what our body is or is not?

What stories about our body are waiting to be re-written and some day we’ll be invited to take that step and rewrite it?

I’d love to hear your stories of body-awareness awakenings too. Or if you’re looking for support in changing these stories come join me for the next session of the Be Your Own Beloved E-Course!


A Yoga & Self-Portrait Adventure!


I’m SO excited that Practice: Embodying Your Curvy & Beloved Body is about to begin (class starts Monday)!

Tomorrow I’m going to share a bit about my journey back to my curvy & beloved body with you but today I wanted to share something super fun with you…the story of a photo adventure my Mom & I went on in preparation for Practice!

Back in July as Anna and I were planning Practice, I just happened to be visiting my family back in Ontario and wanted to do some photos for the class on the beach near where my folks live.

Plus, my Mom is actually a yoga instructor!  At Age 58 she got inspired to take her Yoga Teacher training.  During her training we had weekly skype yoga sessions so she could practice her teaching skills on an eager participant!  It happened to be at the same time as I had my first (and hopefully only) running injury and it was truly so helpful for me in the recovery process and pain management.  Now is an awesome yoga teacher at a studio in Port Elgin Ontario!

I’m so proud of you Mom!

So it was a perfect way to spend some quality Mom & Daughter time while also using my Mom’s yoga knowledge to take some self-portraits to use for the class.

We biked down to the beach with panniers packed with yoga mats and props!  There is this beautiful rocky beach where we pulled up and unpacked our gear.  I set up a bit of a self-portrait station (putting the yoga mats in place to focus on and actually using blocks as a make-shift tripod)!

Then we started the fun!

It was so helpful to have my Mom guide me through some of the poses (just like Anna’s awesome lessons in the class will do for us) as I got into place and as we neared the end, I handed the camera over to her and she took a number of shots of me (dancing around and the close up ones)!  Thanks Mom!

I truly can’t wait to share this new class with you.  As Anna & I have been creating the content for the class, we’ve been loving the ways that self-portraiture and yoga truly overlap as tools for seeing ourselves with kindness and feeling at home in our bodies.  Only a few more days until we get to share it with you!

I hope you’ll join Anna & I for Practice: Embodying Your Curvy & Beloved Body…and class starts Monday so be sure to sign up soon!




Workshop with Alexandra Franzen


Oh my.

This past weekend was INCREDIBLE.  I hopped on a train down to Portland to attend a writing workshop led by Alexandra Franzen.  Now, I’ve been super inspired by her work for a while now and knew that the workshop would be useful to attend…but it really was so much more than just useful.

I feel like I have more confidence as a writer.

That I have permission to find places of ease with writing.

That I can stand more boldly in my words in places like my about page, or a bio.

That I can let more of my personality and quirkiness out in my words.

Oh, and that I definitely need to write a manifesto.

It was also a really incredible collection of people at the workshop.  Women who are just starting out in their creative or business adventures, lots of established business gals, life coaches, artists and more.  There was so much giving and support even on the first day that we all met.  It was hosted at Kelly Rae Robert’s gorgeous Soul Shine Studio and Kelly Rae and I were in awe of how much the weekend felt like one big radiate session where as one person spoke, the others focused in on them with encouragement, support and ideas.

Oh my…and Alexandra is SO skilled at that by the way.  She has a way of taking your own words and saying them back to you in a way that invites you to stand a bit taller in them, let yourself shine a bit more (and has you scrambling for your pen to jot down what she just transformed your own words into). If you have a chance to go to one of her workshops at some point, I highly recommend saying YES!

Here are a few more glimpses of our lovely weekend (and of Soul Shine Studio).

Soul Shine Studio


I’m super excited about some upcoming events this fall, one of which Kelly Rae & I are both teaching at…the awesome Soul Sisters event.  You can register here or find out more here (and if you sign up through the website, tell them I sent ya)!  There is truly an incredible line-up of teachers and going to events like these is truly transformative.  I hope I’ll get to meet you there!


Portrait Session with Hannah Marcotti {and an announcement}!

Hannah Marcotti
A few months ago I got the chance to do a little Portrait Session in the forest with the lovely Hannah Marcotti!

I’ve been admiring Hannah’s amazing work for a while now and it was so lovely to the chance to channel her spark through the camera.

Ever since Be Your Own Beloved became the focus of my work I’ve been doing far less Portrait work but behind the scenes I’ve been working on a new portrait offering that embodies the Be Your Own Beloved message and offers you a portrait session different from anything else out there!

The offering is called the Beloved Sessions and its now available!

I so love getting to have someone else step in front of the camera and capturing the radiance I see in them through the lens…sometimes a big gift of self-compassion we can give to ourselves is seeing our beauty and spark through someone else’s eyes.

As a portrait photographer this is my hope, that they will see themselves perhaps in a way they haven’t before.  What is truly unique about this portrait session is that we explore the tools that make self-portraiture so empowering and use them in our portrait session to create an experience in which you feel embodied and able to let yourself shine!

This is also an opportunity to get a one-on-one Be Your Own Beloved experience with me and ask any questions you have!

So of course, here are some of my favourite photos from our forest photo shoot!

Hannah MarcottiHannah MarcottiHannah MarcottiHannah MarcottiHannah Marcotti

Win a Spot in Practice!

I’m counting the sleeps until my new class with Anna Guest-Jelley of Curvy Yoga starts and I’m doing major happy dances that so many of you have already decided to join in!

Creating the content together has been really beautiful as I’m kind of in awe of how well these two quite different tools for self-compassion actually work really well together (you’ll have to join us and see but I know you’re gonna love it)!

Anna and I decided that we wanted to give away one spot to the class and today is the day!  The giveaway is on today and tomorrow so I encourage you to jump on over to Anna’s site and enter!

We also consciously decided to make this course a really affordable price ($49 for four weeks & two teachers…and there is also a payment plan option) so I hope that the affordable price (and the giveaway too) will help you join us!

Yoga + Self-Portraiture as tools to see yourself with kindness and come home to your body…bring it on!

Now, go enter the giveaway my friend!