Category Archives: E-Courses

Reclaiming our Power in Front of the Camera


Their camera is aimed at me.

Be it a total stranger, a family member or a portrait photograher, the same thing happens for me.  I feel awkward and outside of my skin.  I feel like I need to pose.  So I stay as still as I can and wait for it to be over.


But when my camera is aimed at myself it is different.

I set it down and while I push the timer button or get ready to press my remote, I take a second to do a little silly dance to shake out the nerves. I adjust my clothing and then move in a way that feels like me.  I press the button and settle into the experience.  I may close my eyes and move or look right into the camera.

I am in my own body, not outside of myself.

I am in control, not out of control.

I am the narrator, not just the subject.

I am embodied, at home and enjoying the experience.

And the photo shows it.


So does the one that someone else has taken.  I can see my stress, thoughts of ‘What are they going to do with this photo’ and I didn’t take a moment at all to check in with my body and I can see it in my body language. Sound familiar?

I know this isn’t just my own experience.  Except I think it is easy to think that because it is so vulnerable to be in front of someone else’s camera, that aiming our own camera at ourselves would be even more scary. 

The more I’ve been using self-portraiture as tool for healing, the more I find that I can remember to take a second while they are getting ready to take the photo to just notice my feet on the ground and take a deep breath.   Often that is enough to change the experience of being photographed and put me at ease again.

The difference between the two does feel like it is about power. 

That somehow when someone else is holding the camera we hand our power over to them.

Yet that is the same reason why taking the camera into our own hands and taking a photo can be so empowering.  It is a reclamation of personal power.

I see it so often in Be Your Own Beloved when the participants get to that one activity which for them flips that switch and they realize they are indeed in control of how they see themselves. I can see that embodiment and reclamation of personal power start to appear in their photos.  They stand taller, they get braver and I start to see more of them appear in their photos, without apology.

Now, I do want to share that most portrait photographers I know…you can absolutely see in their photos that they put the client at ease, that they are deeply aware of this power and create a space where the client feels deeply safe.

I guess the thing I want to really share is that we can also create that experience for ourselves too. We can create that sacred space with our own camera too.

I want this for you, for me, for all of us.

Let’s transform the experience of being photographed from a place of fear or discomfort to a place of playfulness and openness, starting by doing this for ourselves!

We’re going to be exploring this in How to Rock a Selfie Photo Shoot starts soon, October 6th!  The next session of Be Your Own Beloved starts November 1st!  If you have any questions about which class would be the best fit for you, don’t hesitate to use the contact form and connect with me!




A New Session of Beloved Beginnings starts Monday!

Beloved Beginnings Square600I’m so excited to be bringing back a session of Beloved Beginnings starting this coming Monday, March 10th!  This class is a gentle 10 day exploration of exploring self-portraiture as a tool for seeing ourselves with kindness!  Registration is also open for the Be Your Own Beloved 28 day class that is also totally beginner friendly!

If you have any questions about whether this class is a fit for you, please don’t hesitate to send me an email via the contact form (just click contact on the menu)!

The Rebel’s Guide to Falling in Love with Photography!


I’m mighty excited to spill the beans that there is a new class coming for January of 2014!

Introducing: The Rebel’s Guide to Falling in Love with Photography!

The Rebel’s Guide uses playfulness as a tool to push past our ideas of the ‘perfect’ photo or getting stuck in our left-brain in terms of how to take a photograph (which I think is the cause of many cameras collecting dust on the shelf rather than being made use of).  As you know from last weeks post about the 10 Ways to Take Better iPhone Photos, I love the technical side of photography too…yet too often I see the technical side of photography getting in people’s way of falling in love with it.

This class is all about bursting out of the box (hence the Rebel aspect) and exploring photography from a different perspective.

This class is about sparking (or re-sparking) your love for photography.

This class is about learning about photography (and about our cameras) experientially!

In the Rebel’s Guide to Falling in Love with Photography we will:

  • Shake up our ideas of what we think we need to know as photographers and tap in to what we already know as creative souls.
  • Do outside the box and oh so much fun activities each day Monday through Friday during the course.
  • Add ourselves into a few photos during the class (and invite ourselves to see ourselves with kindness)
  • Experiment, explore, seek, try, be silly, and have so much fun.
  • Connect with our fellow creativity seekers in the course.
  • Learn from experiencing and exploring.
  • Discovery that photography is fun and not to be feared!


I’m intentionally offering this class in January…partially because it feels powerful to start the year falling in love with photography, but also because I know where I live…it is in the middle of the grey season and a month that it might be harder for many of us to keep inspired.  So I wanted to fill your inbox with inspirational activities that you can explore no matter what the weather is.  This isn’t about falling in love with photography only when the sun is out…this is about being able to get inspired any day, anywhere!

Of course, there will be one self-portrait prompt in the class but I promise that if you’re new to self-portraiture that prompt will be gentle.  This is also great way to get to join me for a class even if you aren’t wanting to focus in on self-portraiture but are drawn to the playfulness of my classes!

The fun starts this January but Registration is Open!  I hope to see you there!  Come secure your spot in the class!

We Begin


We begin.

But beginning isn’t as simple as it might sound.

Beginning is an ending too.

To begin we need to let go, to trust, to hear the fear and take a step anyway.

To begin we need to lay down the stories of we think we might be, if only for a moment, and create space for what could be.

To begin a self-portrait journey, that is a courageous act.

To say:

I’m worthy of seeing myself with kindness.

I’m worthy of a new story.

I’m worthy of being in the visual story of my own life.

I’m worthy of making space for self-love.

I’m worthy of not hiding anymore.

So lets begin.  But lets not do it alone.  Lets pick up the camera, knowing that there will be folks around the world doing the same thing on the same day and then we will gather together in a collective space and share our brave acts of self-love.  We might even be surprised that we won’t compare ourselves to the other folks there as the energy of the space is so beautiful and brave and we might just realize this isn’t a journey of perfection.  It isn’t about getting the perfect picture.

It is about showing up for ourselves in our own lives.

It is about the slow meandering path to looking in a photo and not being filled with negative thoughts (most that aren’t our own) and instead looking in our own eyes, with kindness and saying:

“I see you”.

belove200Join me for Beloved Beginnings, starting on September 30th…and begin your journey to Be Your Own Beloved and start to see yourself with kindness through your camera.

This course is designed for those of you for whom the idea of taking a self-portrait is totally outside your comfort zone but something inside of you is saying “I’ve got to do this”.

Don’t hesitate to use the contact form and connect with me if you have questions about Beloved Beginnings (and if you’d like to join in for Be Your Own Beloved toothere is a special deal just for you on the Beloved Beginnings Page when you take both)!


Changes are Afoot {starting with a Pay-What-You-Can Sale}

a moment of rest

Changes are afoot.

I’ve been thinking about the evolution of E-Courses and of my business for a while now, jotting notes in my journal and brainstorming the long term plan for my business.

Never in all those notes did I expect to feel the urge to make a big shift in what is at the core of my business.  In the big picture, in my ‘Be Yourself’ Business & Life Plan, it makes sense of course, but I’m having a big clarity moment on some changes I want to make in the business.

Hence the fear and excitement.

The knot in my stomach.

Feelings of ‘Who am I to’

and panicked urges to give up.

I know these feelings well and that they aren’t actually signs that I should pack it all in and stop.  I know that they are clues that I’m pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, that I’m on the right track even though in the moment they sure feel mighty real.

So, I know this is a bit cryptic in terms of what is ahead and what changes are afoot.  One thing I can indeed share right now is that I have been offering a super wide variety of courses in 2012 and while I have loved teaching them, I won’t be offering many of them in E-Course form anymore!

One of those is Light Hunters!

Yes, my beloved Light Hunters…I love light hunting fiercely and believe in the approach of this course and E-Book.  I don’t plan to totally leave Light Hunters in the dust, but do plan to let it evolve as it needs to.

Which so far I know means that I won’t be offering it as a monthly E-Course anymore.  But before the era of the monthly Light Hunters offering ends, I wanted to offer it up for the month of November.

For the November session I’ll be offering Light Hunters at a special rate.  One that you define!

The suggested price for the class is $39 but I wanted to put it out there for its final month at a Pay-What-You-Can Rate.  So, you get to define the rate you’ll pay for this session!  You can pay the full price, or pay what you can!  You are also welcome to gift the class to someone else if you’ve taken it already and want to spread the love!

The course includes 30 days of prompts in your inbox, each day starting November 1st.  Participants can share their images in the course Flickr Group and on the last day of the month they receive the 36 Page E-book!

You can join in on the Pay-What-You-Can Light Hunting for November here:











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Or find out more on the Light Hunters Page!