Category Archives: iPhone Photos

You are Welcome Here

A new session of You are Your Own Muse and Wading In are starting in the new year.  I’m so excited about these upcoming sessions.

I’m always trying to improve the courses and figure out ways to keep people engaged throughout the course.  In the last few sessions I’ve added weekly emails to start of the week, share what is ahead and get you excited to check out the classroom.  We also now have weekly check-ins in flickr group to allow space for the participants to share how the experience is going for them.

I’m excited for this upcoming session of YAYOM I have a new idea that I hope will work well for the participants. Normally, I give participants the course PDF at the end of class but this past session I just re-designed the PDF and added a number of workpages and spaces to jot notes.  For this upcoming session I am going to provide each week’s PDF at the end of the week so particpants can also explore the course as though it were a workbook.

As well, last session I added some brand new interviews from Tif Fussell (dottie angel), Susan Tuttle and Andrea Scher and I’ll be adding some other new ones to this upcoming session as well!

My plan for 2012 for these courses is to offer them twice, this upcoming session as well as a fall session.  Last year I offered it twice but this year I’ve decided to run just two sessions of both courses.

I’m still not quite ready to launch the new project (which has nothing at all to do with self-portriature but it is most definitely about photography) as I want to get the majority of the content done before I announce it, but I’m working hard on it so be prepared to find out soon.  I will share that the ideas behind the approach to what I’m creating it is the way that we learn.   I love the format of e-courses and the way they allow people to access learning that they might not otherwise be able to find, but I know that for some of us reading information on a computer isn’t always the best way to absorb information.  This new project comes from an approach that invites to experience its content rather than just read it. That is all I’ll say right now…more soon!

If you are wanting to take YAYOM or Wading In and have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me via the connect form on the website or by emailing and know that like the door of the restuarant where I stopped to take the above photo says.

You’re welcome here.