Category Archives: Self Love

Inviting her into the Frame


She grabs shame by the scruff.

Yet speaks to it kindly.

Telling it that it is not welcome here.

And it is time to leave.


It listens.


She walks with confidence, learned slowly but

Now impenetrable,

Not egotistic,

Just a knowing of what she is worth.


She is still soft. She always was.

Naivity combined with street smarts.

Whimsy that can’t be stepped on.

Her softness was never lost.


She doesn’t keep her truth quiet.

As complicated and intricate as it is

She has finally found the words

To speak it.


She has taken all the words and sideways glances

That she once took as truth and rewove

Them into a learning that life as she knows it

wouldn’t have happened without them.


Perhaps she won’t stop being angry, maybe she will.

But her anger reminds her of the importance of

self-love, self-care

And defining your own worth.


She is not yet who I am.

Or perhaps she is but that I just can’t yet see.

So I’ll keep on turning the camera on myself.

Inviting her into the frame.


This appeared this morning in response to a photo prompt I gave the Re-Writing the Story class yesterday.  I’m experiencing this class differently than I’ve ever experiences one of my classes before….needing to take my own advice that I’m giving to the participants.  I’m also so moved by their bravery, the way that they show up in their images and words in this class.  So grateful that I get to cheer on and witness people showing up for themselves, taking control of their self-image through the camera and in turn, I get to dig even deeper into my own process of showing up for myself.

The Re-Writing the Story class is no longer offered but was a pre-cursor to the Be Your Own Beloved E-Course which explores a similar theme of creating new stories of how we see ourselves.


Showing Up With Love

sending love
When I’m teaching an e-course, especially a brand new one, I find myself not blogging about it very much for some reason.

In many ways, when we are gathered in this really incredible community energy in an e-course, I don’t know how to describe it to folks who aren’t a part of it (other than it is a love-fest) and I suppose in a way I like to keep the sacredness of it.

There is something incredible that occurs in these spaces.

Re-writing the Story is running right now and it is happening.

That magic.

When people show up collectively in a creative endeavor.  When they show up for each other.

Before I ever started the first session of YAYOM I asked a friend “Should I put parameters around what they can share?”  “Will people gather who are so different they might not get along?” “Will people leave unsupportive comments?”   I decided not to put parameters around it and just to trust that whoever came to the class was meant to be there and would want the same kindness given to them as they would put out.  I have never ever, not even once, seen a comment in one of my classes that was insulting or disresepectful or mocking.

Quite the opposite.  It ends up being beyond just being kind.

They show up with love.

And oh my do they show up.  That is part of the magic of this being about self-portraiture too.  Because by even taking and sharing a photo in the class we are showing up for ourselves, standing in our light.  Over these past few years I’ve been brought to tears by the way the participants inspire and encourage each other.

In this class, Re-Writing the Story, in particular,  I’m inviting the participants to show up for themselves with that same love.  To see themselves as they would a brand new friend, seeing all of the promise and goodness in that person.

I thought I’d share that invitation with you today (and with myself).

To show up with the love that you give to others in your life.

To look at a self-portrait you’ve taken, or even a photo that someone took of you.  Or look in the mirror and give yourself the encouragement and love you give to your friends or creative cohorts.

Will you join me in this little act of self-love today?

14 Days of Self-Portraiture: Day 14 ~ Madelyn Mulvaney


on my morning walks I take leave of all things rational

a song of songs whistling through my bones

staggering beauty, yawning melodies

and everything falls away into the enduring horizon

the birds know there is no  distance

between imagination and the divine

(soul catchers)



 love is the kind of thing

you sometimes see from the corner of your eyes

while looking to one side

there it is

overflowing like a spring river

with that recognizable ‘first timeness’

climbing up inside you


 I taste seaweed and seawater, jade green and pine 

and all things I have my heart set on

in the spirit of evocation

and the pealing of bells

I am authentically pure, ringingly



~ Maddie ~ 

  ‘I am not a painter, i am a poet and if i can’t be the poet I will be the poem’

Madelyn Mulvaney is a writer, photographer, and the creator of the ‘Persisting stars’ online photography courses.  Her photography is represented by Getty Images and can be seen in publications and on book covers around the world.  She is particularly fond of morning coffee, swing dancing, polaroids, poetry and loooooong roadtrips. Madelyn lives in a house by the sea filled with art, music and laughter with her beautiful daughter Tess and son Noah and a labradoodle named Roxy.
She is currently working on her book ‘The Art of Living Cheerfully’.   Madelyn can be found at her website

14 Days of Self-Love: Day 13 ~ Jennifer Belthoff

love my new neighbourhood

Photo by Vivienne


The journey begins with one single step

One slight subtle movement in a new direction

This little shift can open up your world


You may be standing in the vast ocean of despair

The inner critiques shouting their harsh words

You struggling to drown them out


Be gentle with yourself in these moments

Look loving in your own eyes

Take time to appreciate the beauty you radiate


You are a gift to the universe, just as you are

Offering wisdom, courage, laughter, tears

You breathe life into the every day


Dig your roots deep into who you are

Feel how strong you stand grounded in yourself

Reach up towards the sun and shine


One loving thought opens the door for more to enter

Speak kindly to your heart

Be gentle with your soul


You are creating your story

One word at a time

Fill your book of life with love


Jennifer is a seeker of words that move her heart and soul. Always on the lookout for the smile that connects her to others. As she embraces the way nature takes her back to herself, she finds ways to share her words with others.  You can visit her at her blog, Giggling in the Rain

14 Days of Self-Love: Day 12 ~ Amy Palko

How My Son Sees Me...

My son took this photo of me – this is the way he sees me.

When I look at it, I see a woman with a glowy, sparkly aura surrounding her.

I see love shining out of her every pore.

I see a woman who believes in the best of you, who sees the pureness, the goodness, the innate wisdom of your heart.

I see a woman who has tended grazed knees, bruised egos & broken hearts.

I see a deep and infinite source of compassion, of empathy, of trust.

I see a simple happiness that she gets to spend this moment with you.

I see her willingness to forgive your mistakes, her capacity to support you to thrive, to blossom, to flourish.

This is what I see when I look at myself through my son’s eyes, and it’s what I try to see when I look at myself in the mirror. Not always successfully. But I have this photo as a reminder for those days when it’s harder to see that soft love radiating out towards myself.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find a photo that someone you love took of you. One where you’ve almost forgotten that a photo was even being taken, and you’ve looked through the lens, beaming your love through to the one who’s holding the camera.

Look at this photo with wonder, for this is how this person sees you – their vision of this deeply loving, caring, tender soul.

Now, the next time you look at yourself in the mirror, truly look through the eyes of the one that took that photo, and see the light of that love shining back at you.

It’s not always easy. And you won’t always be successful. But at least you’ll have a reminder for those days when it’s harder to see the truth – that you are one worthy of giving and receiving love.

A true lover of stories, Amy Palko spends her days reading, writing, knitting and dreaming… well, that is when she’s not being kept busy home-educating her three kids! She is the creatrix of Virgins & Lovers: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Goddess, exploring goddess myths and moon cycles through story, journalling, visualisation and creative exercise.